Tuesday, September 9, 2008

tell me honestly...does my blog look big in this?

Okay I admit it- blogging has been slightly more enjoyable than I expected. Mostly because it is a great distraction, and I am a great procrastinator- a match made in virtual heaven. "Oh I should do that important and quite heavily weighted essay...but my blog entries are important too..."

But being picky with what I publish (okay, you got me, not THAT picky) I have had to assign a lead investigator for the lame-patrol- the taskforce behind ensuring that what I write isn't so horrifically lame that I will be somehow deleted & smited by the blog-gods (this sentence probably bringing me one step closer to that happening). This truly was a job fit only for someone who has known me long enough to be able to say "yes, actually, those jeans make you look like a whale and if you buy them I will cut off your legs for your own good". This sounds drastic, but I have enough trouble writing a text message without outside input, let alone a whole blog.

Now I have to *shudder* comment on other blogs and encourage them to *shudder shudder* read mine. So hopefully she has done her job.

I seem to remember introducing this blog with some overly optimistic ideas about how this blog might contain intellectual thoughts and references to the readings. Apparently thats not going to happen.

Its my blog and I'll lie if I want to.

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